Английский язык фотограф в Италии сайтРусский язык фотограф в Италии сайтИтальянский язык фотограф в Италии сайтКрестины в Турине фотограф крещение Турин Италия The baptism photographs are becoming more popular, and I think it’s great! Shooting in a church is special, and the baptism photos are, as a rule, very beautiful, with a spiritual atmosphere. The baptism photographer Kaushka considers the uniqueness of the moment very important. All events occur very quickly and they can not be repeated, the experience of a professional photographer in Italy, Serghei Kaushka, includes reportage services and street photography, where it is very important to seize an unique moment.
A professional photographer in Italy will photograph the baptism without interfering with the ceremony, working without flash (if conditions allow it) and additional lighting equipment.
My job as a photographer does not interfere with the priest and the guests, does not frighten the child, but at the same time I miss no detail and photograph everything so as to have only the best memories of the event.

The baptism of a child can take place on any day of the week. The sacrament should be agreed in the church chosen on a specific date and time.
Only when the date and time of the order is determined and permission to take photographs is received, it is advisable to call and register for a photo shoot.

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